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伊利诺伊大学基于网络的保留和建议工具为学生的毕业之路提供了有效的指导和支持. Login to SlateConnect.


Costs and Payments

在夏季,没有州外学费或全日制学费. Fees are charged on a per-credit-hour basis.

For the full list of fees, visit Student Accounts and Cashiers.


费用和其他收费可能会发生变化,并在bet365亚洲官网董事会通过后生效. 列出的金额仅供参考,可能会有所变化.  请注意,除了上面列出的每学分费用外,许多课程还收取实验室费用或特殊费用.


Please Note: Students are not dropped for non-payment.


任何学期在公布的退课日期之后退课的学生都可能受到处罚 Dates and Deadlines).


Summer financial aid is extremely limited. Contact the Financial Aid Office for further information.


在学生注册上课的第一天之前或当天,全额付款. 对于那些没有能力全额支付的学生,可以使用付款计划.

在课程开始前至少两周注册课程的学生将, when possible, receive mailed billing notification in their VandalMail.

每个学生都有责任激活他们的 VandalMail account. 所有正式的大学通信都发送到您的bet365亚洲官网VandalMail帐户. 您还必须通知大学您目前的邮寄地址和永久地址. You may update your address information on MyUI.

滞纳金从每节课的第四天开始征收,滞纳金适用于欠款余额超过300美元或未在付款计划中设立的账户. 不能在指定日期之前付款或提供经济援助证明的学生应致电208-885-7447与学生账户联系.

Payment Options Available

Credit card payments for fees, tuition and room and board are not accepted at the cashier’s window; these payments need to be made online through MyUI. The University of Idaho assesses a 2.85% fee (minimum $3) on all online credit card payments. If paid at the cashier's window, the fee will not apply to incidental charges, like parking tickets, health center charges, etc. 大学的网上支票应用程序允许客户使用支票账户在线支付,不受2.85% fee.

If an agency is to be billed for fees, 帐单授权书应送交学生会计/出纳办公室. (If you are responsible for a portion of the fees, 您还必须在付款截止日期之前支付您的部分费用. 帐单授权应随附您的费用部分.) In the case of reciprocal education agreement forms, the form must be presented at the time of fee payment, prior to the payment deadline.

打算用经济援助资金支付的学生可以使用 MyUI the student registration system.

For complete information, visit the Student Accounts website or contact them at 208-885-7447 or

Please Note:
During summer, as in fall and spring, students are not dropped for failure to pay fees. 如果计划有变,请务必放弃课程. 不退课会导致学生被收取费用并被评分.

Outstanding Obligations

在注册暑期课程之前,必须全额支付前学期的所有费用和未偿还的债务. 费用可以在布鲁斯皮特曼中心的收银窗口用支票或借记卡亲自支付. A personal check or money order may be mailed to:

Student Accounts
875 Perimeter Drive, MS 4250
Moscow, ID 83844-4250

Under the Employee Educational Assistance Program, 工作时间至少为一半的受薪bet365亚洲官网员工可以在大学注册,注册费为20美元, plus $5 per credit, and any special course fees that may apply. 在暑期课程期间,员工可以在该计划下注册3个学分. The value of this assistance may be taxable. 员工的部门主管和院长或主任的书面批准必须填写在一个 Staff Tuition Fee Waiver Registration Permit and submitted to the Student Accounts office.

教育费用和学费减免计划扩展到bet365亚洲官网受薪雇员的配偶. 教育费用和学费减免计划是《bet365亚洲官网》第117条规定的合格学费减免计划,减免的费用可能需要纳税. A Staff Spouse Tuition Fee Waiver Registration 可以下载并提交给学生会计处.

For more information about this program, visit Human Resources.

U of I's Military and Veteran Services assists veterans, dependents, reservists, 以及有资格通过退伍军人管理局获得教育福利的国民警卫队成员. Students using veterans benefits should contact Military and Veteran Services for assistance and any questions about qualifications.

Other Fees

Contact the Admissions Office for details on individual application fees.



Refer to information about ordering transcripts for fee details.

Additional special fees are charged for some courses.  欲了解更多信息,请致电208-885-7447学生会计/出纳.

在职教师教育费用是只适用于经批准的教师教育课程的特殊费用. 参加在职教师教育费率课程的学生必须是爱达荷州公立学校的教师或爱达荷州学区的其他专业雇员. bet365亚洲官网的相应学术单位必须批准以在职教师教育费率提供的课程, 授予的学分仅用于专业发展(不能用于学位课程)。. 查看某一特定课程是否按在职教师教育费率提供, contact the offering department.